Grade 10 Advisory Curriculum
Section 1: Attendance & Participation.
"Show Up (Mentally)" - (SEPTEMBER 12) This lesson expands on the idea that attendance is important to include paying attention and being mentally ready to learn.
Section 2: Classwork.
"Engage" - (SEPTEMBER 13) This lesson provides strategies for paying attention and being an active learner (even in a lecture class).
Section 3: Homework.
"On Time" - (SEPTEMBER 19) This lesson discusses the purpose and importance of deadlines for school work and the benefit that is gained by doing work on time.
Section 4: Tests & Quizzes.
"Practice Like You Play" - (SEPTEMBER 20) This lesson takes the emphasis off test-taking and puts it on preparing for tests and quizzes. It borrows from old sayings such as "practice makes perfect."
Section 1: Getting Help.
"How to Ask" - (SEPTEMBER 26) This lesson gives students a refresher on "how" to ask for help from a teacher outside of the regular class time.
Section 2: Grades & Transcripts.
"Class Rank & GPA" - (SEPTEMBER 27) This lesson explains how class rank and grade point averages are calculated and why they might be important.
Section 3: Rules, Responsibilities & Rights.
"The Purpose of School" - (OCTOBER 3) This lesson focuses on the importance of getting excuses for absences and tardiness. It also identifies what is and is not acceptable as an excuse to miss class.
Section 4: Getting Involved.
"Clubs & Activities" - (OCTOBER 4) This lesson shows that our school is not just about what students do in class. Even for students who are not athletes, this lesson shows that there are a lot of things to do that make school more fun and better connected to the lives of our students.
Section 1: Eat, Sleep and Exercise.
"Balanced Diet" - (OCTOBER 10) This lesson expands on the importance of exercise to include a healthy diet. The focus is on maintaining a healthy body instead of reacting to problems.
Section 2: Mental Health Awareness.
"Crisis Hotlines" - OCTOBER 11) This lesson helps students to find ways to get support with a mental health crisis and to be prepared if and when they, or someone they know, needs help.
Section 3: Mental Health Support.
"Primary Care Doctors" - (OCTOBER 17) This lesson shows students how to communicate with their primary care physician and introduces them to ways in which this relationship can be beneficial to them as they approach adulthood.
Section 4: Self-Care.
"Alcohol & Marijuana" - (OCTOBER 18) This lesson gives students some insight on how the early use of alcohol and marijuana impact their own brain development. It also explores some of the problems that it can cause with learning and relationships.
Section 1: Civic Awareness.
"My Community" - (OCTOBER 24) This lesson introduces students to the civic organization within their city and shows them how they can get involved in issues related to local government.
Section 2: Know the Facts.
"Fact vs. Fiction" - (OCTOBER 25) This lesson helps students to determine the difference between facts, opinions and false information.
Section 3: Use Your Voice.
"Speak Your Mind" - (OCTOBER 31) This lesson helps students to be able to express their views on issues by examining the process from "I feel" to "I think" to "I know."
Section 4: Voting & Elections.
"The Whole Story" - (NOVEMBER 1) This lesson helps students understand an issue by examining what is said and what is left out.
Chapter 5: Higher Education.
Section 1: On-the-Job (Internship). "Career-Related Employment" -
Section 2: Military. "Military AND College" -
Section 3: 2-Year College & Trade Schools. "United Technologies Center" -
Section 4: 4-Year Colleges. "The College Search" -
Chapter 6: Cultural Literacy.
Section 1: Religions & Holidays. "Islam" -
Section 2: Our Languages & Cultures. "Franco-American" -
Section 3: Customs & Traditions. "Celebrations & Festivals" -
Section 4: The Melting Pot. "Your Roots" -
Chapter 7: Individual Differences.
Section 1: Your Filter. "Your Surroundings" -
Section 2: Diversity. "Social Justice" -
Section 3: Equity. "Justice" -
Section 4: Inclusion. "Trust" -
Chapter 8: Prosocial Behaviors.
Section 1: Greetings. "Hello & Goodbye" -
Section 2: Body Language. "The Unspoken Words" -
Section 3: Online. "Your Online Image (It's Out There!)" -
Section 4: Proactive vs. Reactive. "Self-Regulation" -
Chapter 9: Career Planning.
Section 1: Career Goals. "Interest Inventory" -
Section 2: Career Search. "Earnings & Responsibilities" -
Section 3: Career Pathways. "Military & Vocational" -
Section 4: Making Choices. "Having Options" -
Chapter 10: Financial Literacy.
Section 1: Earning. "How to Find a Job" -
Section 2: Spending. "Live Within Your Means" -
Section 3: Saving. "Instant vs. Delayed Gratification" -
Section 4: Borrowing. "Debt and Interest" -
Chapter 11: Informal Relationships.
Section 1: General Public. "Why Be Nice" -
Section 2: Interactions. "In the Hallway (or bathroom, or lunchroom...)" -
Section 3: Acquaintances. "The Friend Iceberg" -
Section 4: Friends. "Your Network" -
Chapter 12: Formal Relationships.
Section 1: General Public. "The Police Officer: -
Section 2: In School. "Counselors" -
Section 3: At Work. "Your Co-Workers" -
Section 4: At Home. "Your Siblings" -
Chapter 13: Personal Safety.
Section 1: Physical and Mental Health. "Anxiety" -
Section 2: Driving. "Impaired Driving" -
Section 3: In Public. "Can I Leave Now?" -
Section 4: In Private. "The Buddy System" -
Chapter 14: Workplace Literacy.
Section 1: Applying and Interviewing. "Application Basics" -
Section 2: Employee Rights & Responsibilities. "A Safe Workplace" -
Section 3: Resume Building. "Volunteerism & Participation" -
Section 4: Co-Worker Relationships. "Watercooler Gossip" -
Chapter 15: Giving Back.
Section 1: Charity. "Raising Money for a Cause" -
Section 2: Lending a Hand. "Help a Classmate" -
Section 3: School Climate. "School Spirit" -
Section 4: Setting an Example. "It's Cool to Be Smart" -
Chapter 16: Miscellaneous.
Section 1: Comfort Zones. "Make Mistakes" -
Section 2: Learning vs. Education. "Be Curious" -
Section 3: Current Events. "State" -
Section 4: Feedback Loop. "What Did We Get Right?" -