(207) 992-5527
School Nurse
Welcome to the Bangor High School Nurse’s Office. The role of the school nurse encompasses a wide range of responsibilities. Providing basic first aid and health care, health assessments, assisting with the management of chronic disease, medication administration, health screenings, coordinating care with other health professionals, and generally striving to optimize the health of all students and staff to foster a healthy learning environment.

Heather Haskins, RN, BSN
Health Plan Information
Individual Health Plans are available for students with allergies, chronic health issues, short term health issues, or anything in between. Your student does not need to have a 504 in place in order to get a health plan. Many times, a student will come to the high school with a health plan already in place (for things like diabetes or seizure disorders or allergies, etc.). However, if a student gets a new diagnosis or sustains an injury which affects their ability to navigate school without accommodations of some sort, then a health plan may be put in place for short term or indefinitely. If this is something you think might be beneficial to your student, please Email Heather Haskins with any questions.
Vaccine Information
Effective September 1, 2021, Maine State Law requires all students enrolled in public schools to be fully vaccinated with the standard childhood immunizations. Philosophical or religious exemptions are no longer accepted, unless a student had an IEP in place prior to September 1, 2021. In very few cases, a medical exemption may be accepted, but there must be a written statement by a medical provider who has license to practice in the state of Maine. Below are links to the Maine State Law requirements as well as the necessary forms for IEP or medical exemptions. Exemptions MUST be completed yearly.
Maine State Law Requirements Regarding Vaccinations
New Immunization requirements for 9 2021
Immunization Exemption Form 3 2021 (1)
Medication Administration
It is best practice to give any prescription medication to students at home, either before or after school hours; however, we recognize that students often require medications during school hours and therefore are able to assist with that administration process. In order to have a student receive a prescription medication during school hours, a form must be completed and returned to the school nurse. The form will be faxed to the medical provider for completion and records of medication administration are kept in the nurse’s office. Below is the link for that form.
Copy of JHCD-1 FM – Permission to Administer Medication
Administering Medications To Students In School
Covid-19 Updates
COVID 19 is treated like other respiratory illnesses. If you test positive, please stay home and call the office. Students may return to school once they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications, have symptom improvement, and feel well enough to be in school. There is no longer a 5 day quarantine requirement.
School-Based Health Clinic
We are fortunate to have a school-based health clinic housed right here in Bangor High School. It is a place where students may receive services without parents having to take time away from work; there is a provider on site who can assist with diagnosing and treating health needs that may arise acutely, as well as facilitating necessary vaccines, sports physicals, return to play appointments after having COVID, and so much more. This is possible through a program with Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC).
Note: Your child does not need to be a PCHC patient to enroll in this program.
Visit the PCHC School-Based Clinic web page to learn what a school based health center is, view the enrollment form, and vaccine permission forms.