Jane Venturelli
English Department Chair
The English Department prides itself on its success with all BHS students. Every class provides appropriately challenging texts and assignments, resulting in students who are well prepared for future academic or work and career pursuits. We seek to excite students about the beauties of the written word, encouraging them to appreciate their language and written heritage. Our main goal is to prepare students to learn how to communicate effectively, read strategically, and write clearly. We strive to create life-long learners who will use their English skills in all situations that require abilities to consume, create and present information.
The English curriculum is aligned to the Common Core standards, with common assessments that provide grade-appropriate opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of local and national education standards. Instruction is tailored to meet the needs of all students through supported courses that build year to year. Reading, writing, research, and grammar skills are further developed each year creating a comprehensive exploration of texts and expansion of skills. Sophomores, juniors and seniors are able to access interesting electives in English that complement and support their learning and achievement in other Bangor High School disciplines.
Literature Sequence:
Freshman English
Overview: All Grade 9 students undertake a study of genres. Focusing on the nature and history of storytelling, students question how stories develop over time and why we continue to tell them. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, creative writing, and drama will all be explored in this course. This course focuses on literacy, learning to read strategically and to enjoy reading, as well as developing critical reading and metacognitive skills. Speaking and listening skills are addressed via collaborative learning, reading aloud, and oral presentations. Writing skills are enhanced through practice with a variety of styles and are reinforced with instruction in grammar, vocabulary, presentation skills, and research.

Sophomore English
Overview: Sophomore English focuses on American Literature, exploring themes related to what it means to be an American in a complex world and the development of the American identity over time. Students read a variety of texts, including poetry and prose, fiction and nonfiction, with critical reading skills instruction embedded in their literary studies. Speaking and listening skills are addressed via collaborative learning, reading aloud, and oral presentations. Writing instruction builds on past skills, further developing analytical writing, as well as other forms of writing. Student work with grammar, vocabulary, presentation skills, and research reinforces both reading and writing skills acquisition.

Junior English
Junior English at Bangor High School presents, through student-selected thematic courses, a wide variety of texts with the application of reading, writing, critical thinking, and speaking and listening skills. Through reading and analysis of works from a variety of authors, genres, settings, and time periods, eleventh graders explore the interplay of cultures and ideas. Grammar, vocabulary, research, and composition skills are embedded in the course of study to enhance skills in analysis, structure, audience, and development in student writing. Students are also required to use technology for writing, research, and presentations.
Overview: Junior English is designed to move students toward higher levels of critical thinking skills that are needed for post-secondary work and studies. Review and application of critical reading skills enhance comprehension and analysis skills. Students read challenging texts, and the continued application of literary terminology enables students to interact with texts in increasingly complex ways. This course is designed to explore context, conventions, and changes in literary styles and ideas.
Throughout the year, students write in a variety of styles, including common assessments of personal narratives, argumentative essays, and an informative essay. The informative essay (research paper) focuses on improving note-taking skills, evaluating sources, integrating information from those sources through paraphrase and quotations, and developing an argument, and citing sources. Students are responsible for multiple drafts of each writing type and are expected to add to their digital portfolio of their best work at the end of the year. Metacognition is emphasized throughout the year, culminating in a reflective piece to accompany a cumulative writing portfolio. Students review the BHS English Department list of Grammar Rules, as well as learn strategies to improve stylistic elements in their writing.

Literature Through Film

Monsters, Myths, and Mayhem

Aliens, Robots, AI--Oh My! Science Fiction

Visual Storytelling
Senior English
Summary of Curriculum: Senior English at Bangor High School offers student-selected thematic studies and the further application of reading, writing, critical thinking, and speaking and listening skills. Through reading and analysis of works from a variety of cultures, twelfth graders explore the universality of ideas, while also examining their own connections to others’ ideas and cultures. Grammar, vocabulary, research, and composition are embedded into the course to further enhance skills in analysis, structure, audience, style, and development in student writing. Students are also required to use technology for writing, research, and presentations.
Overview: Senior English is designed to provide students with higher levels of critical thinking skills that are needed for post-secondary work and studies. Review and application of critical reading skills enhance comprehension and analysis skills. Students read challenging and mature texts that encompass a range of genres, purposes, and styles. Students continue to apply an understanding of literary terminology and analyze writing styles in order to interact with texts in increasingly complex ways. This course is designed to show students how to use literature to help find meaning in their own lives and to instill a life-long love for reading and learning.
Throughout the year, students write in a variety of styles, including common assessments of personal narratives, argumentative essays, and an informative essay. The informative essay (research paper) focuses on improving note-taking skills, evaluating sources, integrating information from those sources through paraphrase and quotations, and developing an argument, citing sources, and evaluation of process and product. Students are responsible for multiple drafts of each writing type and are expected to add to their digital portfolio of their best work at the end of the year. Metacognition is emphasized throughout the year, culminating in a reflective piece to accompany a cumulative writing portfolio. Students review grammar as needed, as well as learn strategies to improve stylistic elements in their writing.