News Sources
“One key question for any publication is this: If a reporter gets facts in a story wrong, will the news outlet investigate a complaint and publish a correction? Does the publication have its own code of ethics? Or does it subscribe to and endorse the Society of Professional Journalist’s code of ethics? And if a reporter or editor seriously violates ethical codes – such as being a blatant or serial plagiarizer, fabulist or exaggerator – will they be fired at a given news outlet?”
“How Reliable Is Your News Source? Understanding Media Bias 2022.” MyLO, 23 Oct. 2020, How Reliable is Your News Source? Understanding Media Bias 2022

Click on the A-Z index, scroll to find the following:
Newstand (Gale)
US Newsstream (Proquest)
Maine News

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Digital Maine Library – A-Z index, scroll down to Wall Street Journal.

“…oldest and largest fact-checking site on the Internet…”