PCHC School Based Clinic

Medical and Mental Health Services At School
Even if your child has a primary care provider elsewhere, he/she can receive immediate and on-site medical, and mental health care, right in school, at Bangor’s School-Based Health Center (SBHC).
This is possible through a program with Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC).

When your child is enrolled at the SBHC, he/she is able to get the care they need right down the hall. This saves you time driving to or from appointments, and your child is able to return quickly to class. This service is even available to students who don’t feel well enough to attend school and are absent!
NOTE: Your child does not need to be a PCHC patient to enroll in this program.
Sign up today!
What is a School Based Health Center? FAQs
Bangor SBHC Student Enrollment
Bangor SBHC Authorization to Disclose Health Information
Call 207-404-8247 with any questions.
More info about Bangor School-Based Health Centers
and PCHC available online at www.PCHC.com