Grade 11 Advisory Curriculum


Section 1: Attendance & Participation.

"Learn With Purpose" - (SEPTEMBER 12) This lesson helps students set goals (short and long term) and ignite their motivation to succeed in school.

Section 2: Classwork.

"Single-Tasking" - (SEPTEMBER 13)

Section 3: Homework.

"On Time" - (SEPTEMBER 19) This lesson focuses on the importance of getting homework done on time!

Section 4: Tests & Quizzes.

"Practice like you Play" - (SEPTEMBER 20) This lesson takes the emphasis off test-taking and puts it on preparing for tests and quizzes. It borrows from old sayings such as "practice makes perfect."

Section 1: Getting Help.

"Your Responsibility" - (SEPTEMBER 26)

Section 2: Grades & Transcripts.

"GPA & Class Rank" - (SEPTEMBER 27)

Section 3: Rules, Responsibilities & Rights.

"The Purpose of School" - (OCTOBER 3)

Section 4: Getting Involved.

"Informal Learning" - (OCTOBER 4)

Section 1: Eat, Sleep and Exercise.

"Rest & Relaxation (Down Time)" - (OCTOBER 10)

Section 2: Mental Health Awareness.

"Crisis Hotlines" - OCTOBER 11) This lesson helps students to find ways to get support with a mental health crisis and to be prepared if and when they, or someone they know, needs help.

Section 3: Mental Health Support.

"Teachers" - (OCTOBER 17)

Section 4: Self-Care.

"Risk Behaviors" - (OCTOBER 18)

Section 1: Civic Awareness.

"My Community" - (OCTOBER 24) This lesson introduces students to the civic organization within their city and shows them how they can get involved in issues related to local government.

Section 2: Know the Facts.

"Sources of Information" - (OCTOBER 25)

Section 3: Use Your Voice.

"Take a Stand" - (OCTOBER 31)

Section 4: Voting & Elections.

"Know Where You Stand" - (NOVEMBER 1)

Chapter 5: Higher Education.

Section 1: On-the-Job (Internship). "Early College Options" -

Section 2: Military. "The National Guard & Reserves" -

Section 3: 2-Year College & Trade Schools. "Vocational Pathways (Certificates & Associate's Degrees)" -

Section 4: 4-Year Colleges. "Application Process" -

Chapter 6: Cultural Literacy.

Section 1: Religions & Holidays. "Hinduism" -

Section 2: Our Languages & Cultures. "Hispanic-American" -

Section 3: Customs & Traditions. "American Regions" -

Section 4: The Melting Pot. "Embrace Different" -

Chapter 7: Individual Differences.

Section 1: Your Filter. "Challenging Stereotypes" -

Section 2: Diversity. "Social Cohesion" -

Section 3: Equity. "Sense of Community" -

Section 4: Inclusion. "Belonging" -

Chapter 8: Prosocial Behaviors.

Section 1: Greetings. "I'm Sorry" -

Section 2: Body Language. "The Power of a Smile" -

Section 3: Online. "Think Before You Post" -

Section 4: Proactive vs. Reactive. "Pitch In" -

Chapter 9: Career Planning.

Section 1: Career Goals. "What Makes You Happy?" -

Section 2: Career Search. "Prerequisites" -

Section 3: Career Pathways. "Associate's and Bachelor's Degrees" -

Section 4: Making Choices. "A 5-Year Strategy" -

Chapter 10: Financial Literacy.

Section 1: Earning. "Wages & Hours" -

Section 2: Spending. "Budget" -

Section 3: Saving. "From College to Retirement" -

Section 4: Borrowing. "Build Credit" -

Chapter 11: Informal Relationships.

Section 1: General Public. "A Day in Their Shoes" -

Section 2: Interactions. "The Power of Conversation" -

Section 3: Acquaintances. "The Friend Venn Diagram" -

Section 4: Friends. "Your Inner Circle" -

Chapter 12: Formal Relationships.

Section 1: General Public. "The Bank Teller" -

Section 2: In School. "Administrators" -

Section 3: At Work. "Your Clients" -

Section 4: At Home. "Your Extended Family" -

Chapter 13: Personal Safety.

Section 1: Physical and Mental Health. "Depression" -

Section 2: Driving. "Pay Attention" -

Section 3: In Public. "Know Before You Go (Will There Be Beer At This Party?) -

Section 4: In Private. "Domestic Violence" -

Chapter 14: Workplace Literacy.

Section 1: Applying and Interviewing. "Interview Skills" -

Section 2: Employee Rights & Responsibilities. "Job Description" -

Section 3: Resume Building. "Skill Development" -

Section 4: Co-Worker Relationships. "Teamwork" -

Chapter 15: Giving Back.

Section 1: Charity. "Sympathy, Empathy, Compassion" -

Section 2: Lending a Hand. "Help a Stranger" -

Section 3: School Climate. "Set the Standard" -

Section 4: Setting an Example. "Healthy Risks" -

Chapter 16: Miscellaneous.

Section 1: Comfort Zones. "Find Your Boundaries" -

Section 2: Learning vs. Education. "Why Did You Take This Class?" -

Section 3: Current Events. "National" -

Section 4: Feedback Loop. "What Did We Get Wrong?"