Grade 9 Advisory Curriculum


Semester 1

Section 1: Attendance & Participation.

"Show Up (Physically)" - (SEPTEMBER 12)This lesson focuses on the importance of attendance, the negative effects of chronic absenteeism and the impact that attendance has on the whole class.

Section 2: Classwork.

"Pay Attention" - (SEPTEMBER 13) This lesson offers students some strategies on how to "train their brain" to focus on learning activities, how to be "active" in their learning and how to understand the limits of their own attention span.

Section 3: Homework.

"Keep Track" - (SEPTEMBER 19) This lesson addresses positive academic behaviors as they relate to doing work outside of class time. Topics include keeping track of assignments and how to use technology to stay caught up.

Section 4: Tests and Quizzes.

"5 Keys to Good Tests & Quizzes" - (SEPTEMBER 20) This lesson aims to help students understand the role of assessments and how to prepare for them.

Section 1: Getting Help.

"Who To Ask" - (SEPTEMBER 26)This lesson covers the most important step in getting help, knowing who to ask. It provides tips on how to ask teachers, parents and school counselors for help.

Section 2: Grades and Transcripts.

"The Grading System" - (SEPTEMBER 27) This lesson explains the grading system to students, so that they understand how their academic behaviors are measured.

Section 3: Rights, Rules and Responsibilities:

"The Purpose of School" - (OCTOBER 3) This section helps students understand the major aspects of the student handbook and explains a little bit about why these procedures exist.

Section 4: Getting Involved.

"Sports" - (OCTOBER 4) This section introduces students to the wide world of extra-curricular activities and emphasizes the benefits of participation.

Section 1: Eat, Sleep and Exercise.

"Move to Improve" - (OCTOBER 10) This lesson emphasizes the importance of physical activity in maintaining a health body and mind.

Section 2: Mental Health Awareness.

"Crisis Hotlines" - OCTOBER 11) This lesson helps students to find ways to get support with a mental health crisis and to be prepared if and when they, or someone they know, needs help.

Section 3: Mental Health Support.

"School Counselors & Social Workers" - (OCTOBER 17) This lesson identifies the people in your life that can be relied upon when you or someone you know is dealing with a mental health issue.

Section 4: Self-Care.

"Smoking & Vaping" - (OCTOBER 18) This lesson encourages students to avoid the use of tobacco and vaping products because of the damaging effects they have on the body.

Section 1: Civic Awareness.

"My Community" - (OCTOBER 24) This lesson introduces students to the civic organization within their city and shows them how they can get involved in issues related to local government.

Section 2: Know the Facts.

"What is Important to Me?" - (OCTOBER 25) This lesson helps students identify the issues that are the most import to them and how to find information on these topics.

Section 3: Use Your Voice.

"Ask Why?" - (OCTOBER 31) This lesson encourages students to explore why things happen, with the goal of having them understand the first step in using their voice to influence organizations.

Section 4: Voting & Elections.

"Listen to Both Sides" - (NOVEMBER 1) This lesson emphasizes the importance of understanding both sides of an issue before making a decision or choosing a preference.

Chapter 5: Higher Education.

Section 1: Internships and On-the-Job Training.

"Part-Time Work" -

Section 2: Military.

"Military Service 101" -

Section 3: 2-Year Colleges & Trade Schools.

"Working in the Trades" -

Section 4: 4-Year Colleges.

"Academic Requirements" -

Chapter 6: Cultural Literacy.

Section 1: Religions & Holidays.

"Judaism" -

Section 2: Languages & Cultures.

"Native-American" -

Section 3: Customs & Traditions.

"Food" -

Section 4: The Melting Pot.

"The Benefits of Diversity" -

Chapter 7: Individual Differences.

Section 1: Your Filter.

"Your Experience" -

Section 2: Diversity.

"Creativity & Innovation" -

Section 3: Equity.

"Fairness" -

Section 4: Inclusion.

"Safety" -

Chapter 8: Prosocial Behaviors.

Section 1: Greetings.

"Please & Thank You!" -

Section 2: Body Language.

"What is Wrong With Your Face?" -

Section 3: Online Behavior.

"Email Etiquette" -

Section 4: Proactive vs. Reactive.

"Count to Ten" -

Semester 2

Chapter 9: Career Planning.

Section 1: Career Goals. "Personality" -

Section 2: Career Search. "Career Fields/Clusters" -

Section 3: Career Pathways. "Direct to Workforce" -

Section 4: Making Choices. "Opening Doors" -

Chapter 10: Financial Literacy.

Section 1: Earning. "Work Permits" -

Section 2: Spending. "Wants vs. Needs" -

Section 3: Saving. "Open a Savings Account" -

Section 4: Borrowing. "So, You Want a Car?" -

Chapter 11: Informal Relationships.

Section 1: The General Public. "Who Are They?" -

Section 2: Interactions. "At First Sight" -

Section 3: Acquaintances. "Classmates" -

Section 4: Friends. "Facebook Friends & Instagram Followers" -

Chapter 12: Formal Relationships.

Section 1: The General Public. "The Waitress" -

Section 2: In School. "The Teacher" -

Section 3: At Work. "Your Boss" -

Section 4: At Home. "Your Parents" -

Chapter 13: Personal Safety.

Section 1: Physical & Mental Health. "The Mind-Body Connection" -

Section 2: Driving. "The Rules of the Road (Can You Pass a Permit Test?" -

Section 3: In Public. "Know Your Surroundings" -

Section 4: In Private. "Texting" -

Chapter 14: Workplace Literacy.

Section 1: Applying & Interviewing. "Resume" -

Section 2: Employee Rights & Responsibilities. "Pay and Hours" -

Section 3: Resume Building. "School First" -

Section 4: Co-Worker Relationships. "Carry Your Weight" -

Chapter 15: Giving Back!

Section 1: Charity. "Volunteer Your Time" -

Section 2: Lending a Hand. "Help a Friend" -

Section 3: School Climate. "This is Your School Too" -

Section 4: Setting an Example. "Be the Solution" -

Chapter 16: Miscellaneous.

Section 1: Comfort Zones. "Stretch Yourself" -

Section 2: Learning vs. Education. Try Something New" -

Section 3: Current Events. "Local" -

Section 4: The Feedback Loop. "Was It What You Expected?" -